From the beginning of the school year, where I was planning to write up some new post ideas I'd had over the summer, I found myself busy with adjusting to more work for my GCSE years and instead of heading to write new posts, read other blogs or read I just wanted to relax in front of the TV and chill out. It sounds crazy for someone who loves reading and blogging so much, right?
Slowly I began to realise that despite the fact that I love blogging and all the other lovely bloggers, I sometimes felt that I *had* to read a book by a certain time to get a review up or that I had to update even though that might not be something I wanted to do. Other times I'll struggle to even write a review or I'll just feel like reading for the sake of reading instead of knowing that I'll probably be writing a review for it at the end. That's definitely not what I want my blogging experience to be like because then it becomes work when it should be fun. So that's why I decided to stay away from posting for a while until I fell in love with it again.
Don't get me wrong- I have missed it! I was lucky enough to the Bloomsbury launch of Velvet by Mary Hooper in London and met some UK bloggers whose blogs I really enjoy reading, one of whom was Becky from The Bookette and that reminded me of how much I missed ave missed the wonderful bookish community and particularly getting and giving comments and recommendations.
I think that a brief slump happens to every blogger at some point but hopefully I'll gradually begin posting more frequently again soon and come back with refreshed creativity. Thanks for sticking with me!
Have you ever experience a blogging slump/burnout? How did you find inspiration and get out of the rut?