It's almost the end of 2010! I've been blogging for five fantastic months now and whilst I've got the ropes now, there are many things that I need to improve on so here are my 2011 goals to help me along :
Blogging and reading resolutions
- To post my Coverlicious feature more regularly
I haven't done one of these for a while and I really enjoy featuring covers so it is something I want to do more often next year
- To try and comment on as many posts I read as possible and generally be more outgoing in the blogging world

- To start up another feature/hold an event
- To write some interactive discussion posts
- To read more in my spare time
I've noticed a lot over the past weeks that I am spending more and more time blogging and reading posts but not as much time reading. I hope to read 50 books in 2011 and although this might not sound like a lot as I know that many of you read 100+ but for me it's a challenge. This year I don't know exactly how many books I've read since I didn't keep track of them until I started blogging in the summer but I am guessing about 40 at the most. I'm also aiming to make sure I post one review a week.
- Read unread books that have been sitting on my shelf for a long time
Since starting my blog, my TBR list has grown incredibly as I know has happened with so many other bloggers too but I have come to realise that since I can't buy new books all the time as they are released, that I should try to concentrate on reading the books I already have on my shelf and the ones at my school library that have caught my eye. Of course, I will still be reading newer books but not all the time.
These are the books I need to read:
The Keeper's Daughter by Gill Arbuthnott-( library)
Witch Child by Celia Rees- (library)
Sovay by Celia Rees
Frederica by Georgette Heyer
Mermaid's Singing by Dilly Court
Deep Secret by Berlie Doherty
The Red Queen's Daughter by Jaqueline Kosolov
I also want to read at least 5 books from The Chalet School series by Elinor M Brent Dyer as I have about 40 of them on my shelves and have been neglecting them because I can't review them as what I think of them is nearly the same for each book.
- Have FUN!
What are your New Year Resolutions?
Do you share any of mine? I'd love to hear from you in the comments!
Do you share any of mine? I'd love to hear from you in the comments!
Happy New Year-goodybe 2010!