Sunpenny Publishing are a Christian publishing house who are running a short story competition for young writers that ends on 30th September, which is only in 10 days time. Submitting a story gets you the chance to have your story published on the website and in a competition anthology if you come first, second, third or highly commended and you can win some great prizes.

Here is what Sunpenny have to say about it: 'We have a passion for developing young writers. We know that dreams of writing can begin very early, and we want to encourage children of all ages to pick up a pen and write! '
Entries can be in any style or subject under 2000 words but must not contain racism, foul language, violence or anything that does not conform to 'good family morals. For a lot more in depth information on entering visit the link here.
1st: £50
2nd: 25
3rd: a book
The competition is open worldwide and there is a small entry fee of £3.00 / US$5.00 / ZAR30.00 but you will only be charged once the competition has reached its target number of entries.
If you would like to see some of the entries from last year (including mine!) then take a look at this page.
However due to a shortage in entries last time, they are only running the competition if they receive 30 entries minimum and currently they have only 40% of the entries that they need. It would be such a shame if this happened so .................spread the word and get writing or encourage other young writers you know!
Remember, competition ends 30th September!
There is also an open writing competition and a Christian writing competition- details can be found on their website.
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I love comments, they make me smile! So thank you for taking the time to write one, I read all of them.
I try my best to reply here or on your blog :)
Stephanie x