Saturday, 25 September 2010

Thank you - 150 Followers GIVEAWAY!

I am so excited to find that I have reached 150 followers, all of you have been so encouraging with helping my blog to grow, I remember that I was overjoyed and amazed even when I reached 5 followers! The book blogging community is a lovely place to be part of and I have really enjoyed connecting with other book bloggers, I am building up the list of blogs I am reading very quickly. Blogging has become something that is part of my day now and getting comments always makes my day :D I really appreciate every single one of my followers!


As a thank you to all my amazing followers, I am holding a giveaway with a choice of books to win. This is an INTERNATIONAL contest as I wouldn't like to deprive anyone and I'm in the UK so I will be shipping the book to the winner through the Book Depositary.

The winner can choose from any of these fabulous 10 books (I have chosen mostly YA historical because that it what I mainly review) :

The Other Countess by Eve Edwards (see review)
The Healer's Apprentice by Melanie Dickerson (see post about release)
Daughter of Fire and Ice by Marie Louise Jensen
The Lady In The Tower by Marie Louise Jensen
Arabella by Georgette Heyer (see review)
The Fever and The Flame by Mary Hooper (2 in 1)
Newes From The Dead by Mary Hooper
The School At The Chalet by Elinor M Brent Dyer
The Secret Countess by Eva Ibbotson
I was Jane Austen's Best Friend (see review)

You MUST be a follower to enter this giveaway


Old followers  +3 (before 25th September)
New followers +1
Twitter follower (BookPrincess3)  +1
Tweet/ sidebar promotion +1

Giveaway ends: 10th October

TO ENTER: please fill out the form here


  1. Congrats on reaching 150!! I just passed that milestone myself. Makes ya feel all warm inside, yeah? ^_^

    :) Great giveaway!!


  2. Congrats on reaching 150 :)

  3. Congratulations on hitting 150!

  4. Congrats on hitting 150! It's a great feeling. Thanks for hosting this giveaway! :)

  5. Congrats on getting to 150 followers and thanks for this giveaway, Stephanie! I had a tough time trying to choose a book :) Never heard of the School at the Chalet before but the description reminded me a bit of Naughtiest Girl (must be the boarding school thing...) :D

  6. Congratulations on reaching 160 followers! I'm the 160th one:)

    spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Thank you everyone, you're welcome about the giveaway! Danya, I like The Chalet School better than The Naughtiest girl because of the different locations and characters. You should try it :D

  9. thank you for the contest! i looooove historical YA!

  10. Congratulations!
    I now follow
    kaiminani at gmail dot com

  11. congrats on reading 150 followers! I hope you get more! :)

  12. congrats and thank you for this chance! :D

  13. Hi and thanks for the giveaway. I'm following you back from the Hop. Hope I can win my win first Heyer book. LOL.

  14. Anonymous10:31:00

    Congrats on so many followers! Glad to follow on GFC/RSS feed

    (Found you through Saturday Situation)

  15. Congratulations on reaching 150 followers and thanks for the awesome giveaway! A lot of those books are on my wishlist. :D

    ~Briana :D

  16. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  17. Thank you all for your comments! I'm glad that you like the giveaway :D

  18. 200! Grats ^.^

    I'm a new follower and I'm now following you on Twitter :)


I love comments, they make me smile! So thank you for taking the time to write one, I read all of them.
I try my best to reply here or on your blog :)

Stephanie x